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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:57 am

    The sun over the skys of copper 9 had set, plunging most of the world into darkness. Amidst the snowy clouds of the night sky, a beacon of light shone in the darkness. The repaired ship flew through the sky at a leisurely pace, making a long orbit around the city.

    Cloris sat on the bridge, keeping a close eye on the monitors and the displays. If she had to she would take control of the ship in a hurry. She had volunteered to stay behind on the ship: the others had gone to… a prom being held by the drones.

    Cloris let out a sigh at that, trying to stave off the headache that was threatening to creep up on her. She understood that the crew couldn’t work all the time. But given the circumstances, she didn’t think they could afford to waste time indulging in dancing. Something which she did not expect to be happening on Copper 9.

    Then again, a lot had happened in the time she was separated from the group. They fought another monster and emerged victorious. Ray had given into lust much like Chaos had, and overall they had gotten closer to the drones inhabiting the bunker. Close enough to attend a high-school style prom of all things (how was that a thing?).

    Cloris had no need for partaking in such things. So she remained on the ship, planning out her next move. For the moment they had managed to fight off the solver monsters. Now was the time to start going on the offensive. She had wanted to start the planning with the others as soon as possible. But that went out the window rather quickly. Why did guys let their hormones control everything?

    ”Not that you’re one to talk.”

    A sly voice said in the back of her mind. Cloris shook her head, letting out another groan.

    ”I didn’t let it control all my actions like they did.

    ”But it did make you confess things you shouldn’t have to 99.”

    Cloris didn’t have a rebuttal to that. 99, the comrade that she didn’t expect to have. The one that had resulted in the change of a great deal of plans. It would be so much easier if 99 could work directly with her like the rest of the group. But she understood the drone’s reasons for wanting to keep her distance. So now Cloris was having to make her plans while taking that into account. Which was a tricky balance, even for a genius like her.

    Right now she was considering which facility to explore first. There were a few possible places where the elevator code could have ended up. The main facility was a no go right now. But there were other places of interest that could be explored. Cloris was alone with Aegis and her thoughts, but that was about to change.

    Cloris was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn’t hear the footsteps behind her. She tensed as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She whirled her head, relaxing as she saw 99.

    ”99! I didn’t expect to see you so soon. Why are you here?”

    99 was looking down at her intensely. There was something she didn’t recognize in her eyes.

    ”I came to copulate with you.”

    Cloris stared disbelievingly, looking at the drone disbelievingly.

    ”You want to what?!”

    I want to copulate. With you Cloris.”

    Cloris felt dizzy, her heart pounding in her chest. Her face was as red as a tomato. She looked at the drone in front of her.

    ”What… what brought this on?!”

    99 put a hand on her chin, peering at the human in front of her. ”Ever since we’ve met I’ve felt strangely about you. When I saw Chaos and J and Ray and V, it finally clicked. I want V and J have with their humans. Actually, that’s not quite accurate.”

    Everything felt so warm around her. Cloris’s heart pounded faster as 99 put her free hand on her shoulder, inching ever closer and closer to her.

    ”I know you want this too. You feel the attraction, just as I do. I know you want to feel again Cloris. More than anything. You would have traded all your cybernetics for human parts by now if you hadn’t resolved yourself to see this fight through.”

    Cloris couldn’t move an inch. Or was that she didn’t want her body to respond. 99 reached up with one hand, gently cupping her cheek.

    ”I can’t give those things to you. I can’t even convince you to make augmentations that would bring back feeling to you. I can’t give you the sunsets and colors you spoke so fondly of. But I can make you feel more human. I can… no… I want to make you feel pleasure. I want to make you mine. Cloris Jade, will you be mine?”

    99 tenderly stroked Cloris’s cheek with her thumb. The sound of her own heart was practically drowning out everything else. She could barely hear her own voice as she murmured.

    ”Yes… I want you to make me yours…

    99 paused. Then gave Cloris a smile that made her heart flutter. It wasn’t fair: a drone with teeth like that shouldn’t be able to smile in a way that made her knees melt.

    ”Mission parameters updated.”

    99 has whisked her away to her room after that. It was via the princess carry, something that 99 had called ”the most optimal romantic carry.” 99 then proceeded to take the lead. At first she was gentle: it was clear that it was mostly about Cloris’s pleasure. Not that 99 didn’t indulge in her own desires.

    An hour into it Cloris found herself on her hands and knees, her arms and legs tied. 99 stood over her, as naked as she was. A whip emerged from her arm.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  0IRHY6K

    ”As you know, I’ve had over 200 torture and interrogation techniques programmed into my subroutines. I’ve repurposed all of them to give you pleasure. And instead of war crimes, I’m going to violate you”.

    And violate her she did. Cloris let out a pleasured cry every time 99 cracked the whip down on her. Obviously the drone wasn’t using her full strength on her: she was hitting hard enough for it to register, but not hard enough to flay the skin. Cloris let out a particularly loud yelp when she whipped one spot in particular.

    [“Ahhh- ! My ass!”

    99 pauses, then reaches out with her other hand and caresses to gently. ”Your ass is so perfect Cloris. Let’s rest for a moment before we continue. I still have 199 methods at my disposal.”

    The world around her faded as she embraced the depravity.


    Cloris shot up, her back slamming against the chair of the cockpit. She hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, so she had decided to take a short nap when the others had left. She was panting and sweating all over. She didn’t need feeling in her hands to confirm that her underwear was ruined.

    ”Stupid guys and their stupid crushes. They’re the ones that put this into my head.”

    Her feelings had gotten more intrusive when she learned about what Ray and V did. This was starting to become a serious problem. And she honestly didn’t know how to deal with it. Years of suppressing her desires were now slamming against the barriers she set up. And little by little. they were breaking apart.

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:06 pm

    The ship's bridge had been completely silent save for the clicking, beeping, and whirring of the machinery that monitored the navigational systems of the Stormborder. It was the perfect backdrop to make someone lethargic, especially when they had already been tired prior. For the single human still onboard the ship, that peaceful backdrop had indeed led to her falling asleep...But that was soon interrupted as a sudden noise came from Cloris' person. A strange ringtone had brought her from her slumber as she jolted awake. The ringtone was followed by a familiar voice that met Cloris as she woke up...

    "Good morning! You have a call!"

    Klein stared up at Cloris, having somehow helped himself onto her lap while she slept. Ray had left Klein in Cloris' care. She WAS his other creator after all. The engineer didn't feel comfortable taking Klein away from the ship just yet, and imagined that Cloris would likely feel the same in that regard. Since the other human had no plans to leave the ship, Ray had naturally left that responsibility to her for the time being... Klein's wings flapped in time with the beat of the ringtone's melody. If Cloris took the time to inspect the source she would find the device Type-99 had given her was now trying to grab her attention. Once she answered the device's call Klein would speak up once more.

    "Hello! Who is this? Klein is answering the phone!"

    Type-99's hologram would appear displayed just inches above the device. She looked...Deeply confused when the first person to answer was not Cloris. After a brief moment of contemplation, 99 spoke up.

    "Ah good, I see that Cloris Jade is there. I was...Perplexed for a moment. Who...Is that with you Cloris Jade? I'm afraid I don't have information tied to that voice. Further more, can I trust that they won't share this information? It's urgent."

    Almost immediately, whether Cloris answered that question or not, Klein threw his own opinion in.

    "Klein is trustworthy! Klein is a secret agent too!"

    Type-99 stared blankly, her holographic projection blinked idly for a second before responding.

    "Yes...Well, I have immediate need for assistance from Cloris Jade. I regret having to intrude on your time to relax after the difficult experiences you've just been through, but I have no choice as I've hit a barrier I believe only you are capable of surpassing. I will explain more when we meet. As for a meeting place...I've calculated your ship's trajectory and timetable and have located a sufficiently safe meeting place that it will reach in one hour. There is an abandoned amusement park on this city's western edge, there's little of interest in this area for our mutual enemy, so I believe you will be safe arriving there on foot. Though naturally I will also be patrolling the area until your arrival to ensure that to be the case."

    Type-99 gave Cloris a salute as she continued to speak.

    "I'm sure you must be burning with questions madam, and I know all of this is sudden, but I'm afraid I can't risk explaining anything over a frequency that could potentially be hijacked. Please meet me within an hour. Your ship should pass over the area, but just to be certain there's no room for error, you are looking to meet me at an abandoned theme park with the name "Copper Carrie's Funland".

    And with that the transmission ended just as soon as it had began. Klein stared at the device with curiosity.

    "Wow! A theme park?! Klein wants to go too mama!"

    Cloris's evening was certainly going to get more complicated from here on...

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  TowersignatureBorderSmaller
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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:18 pm

    Cloris didn’t have any time to deal with the state her body was in right now. Hopefully, the hologram wouldn’t betray just how off she was right now. She immediately cleared her throat and glanced at Klein.

    [color=green]"Klein, don't answer this device again.

    ”Oh! This is Klein. He’s a sentient AI on which Ray and I collaborated. I’ve been fascinated with sentient drones since my time in the Cabin Fever Labs. All the solver drones were alive and I always wondered if that could be recreated. Klein is nowhere near you or other drones like you, but I think he turned out well for the most part.”

    She paused, staring at him curiously. [color=green]"I don't know where he got half the things he says from though. I don't recall outfitting him with information about secret agents. And I doubt Ray went out of his way to put that in too."

    Cloris waved a hand dismissively as 99 apologized. ”There’s nothing to be sorry for. The others went to… a prom. So I’ve been here trying to plan out what to do next. The rest of the crew are normal humans, so they need to relax more than I do. Besides I can do some things behind-the-scenes while they’re distracted.”

    Then they got into the meet of it. Naturally it was a place that 99 couldn’t get access to easily. Cloris’s face widened in recognition at the name of the theme park. She did something that she did for the things that she wished to hide: access one of the files placed inside her systems by her father. She entered in a search parameter and immediately had a file come up on her vision hud.

    ”I see why you’re focusing on this one. There are things I’ll need to discuss when we meet in person.”

    She gave 99 a slight smile when 99 saluted her. ”As flattering as being called madam is, I view you as an equal 99. Don’t ever forget that. I’ll see you in an hour 99”

    ”Besides, I’d rather call you madame anyway.”

    A naughty voice rang at the back of her mind. She shook her head, looking over at Klein. ”I suppose it’s better to let you come, since you’ll sneak your way to the amusement park on your own if I don’t. Mama needs to get ready.”

    After the course was set, Cloris got up, and immediately started walking towards the living quarters. She was going to take a nice, cold shower. And get a change of clothes before meeting 99.

    Later when the ship touched down, Cloris stood outside the entrance to the Theme park, Klein perched on her shoulder. She was wearing a custom environmental suit. She looked around, scanning the area for 99.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  2pq8T3s

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Sun Aug 18, 2024 6:28 pm

    Cloris quickly commanded Klein not to answer the device himself, causing him to respond to her request.

    "Okie Dokie!"

    The drone raised an eyebrow as Cloris explained who and what this little robot was. She made an observation; perhaps innocently as she spoke up.

    "So then Klein is like your child, in a way. That's what I gather from what you've told me of the worker drones of this world and their ability to build offspring."

    Klein flapped his wings, responding to what Type-99 had said.

    "Mama is super smart! She likes whips!"

    Type-99 was stunned into temporary silence at his comments...But eventually the disassembly cleared her throat, continuing. Cloris didn't seem to know where the little penguin was learning of these things, though 99 had her own theory on the matter.

    "Right...Well, it sounds like Klein is able to learn a lot of things from his environment. Perhaps he noticed something around him that allowed him to pick up on these things. As a war drone I recall I was able to gain new information by observation. War is an ever-changing beast. If your weapons cannot learn in real time they will be outsmarted very quickly. He may be a far cry from a weapon, but it isn't impossible to believe he might be able to learn things without your input."

    Cloris explained her situation. The others had gone to a...What? Type-99 tilted her head in confusion.

    "What is a...'prom' exactly? I...Seem to lack that information in my database. Were you...Not interested in going along with your fellow humans? Well...Perhaps it works out regardless. I would prefer to keep this situation from getting out of hand."

    The disassembly drone's holographic projection smiled slightly as Cloris seemed to get what was going on already.

    "This will be even easier to explain than I expected, then."

    A nod of affirmation was given as Cloris asked her 99 not to call her "Madam".

    "Very well. It is a force of habit I suppose. I will suspend this and simply refer to you as Cloris for now."

    With their course of action set, and Cloris begrudgingly agreeing to bring Klein along, the little robot responded with excitement.

    "Hooray! We're going on a road trip!"


    Sometime later they had arrived at the park's entrance. The entrance was shuttered with a gate, though the lock holding it in place had long ago rusted into pieces. Opening it would be as simple as pulling it aside. Though it had been empty for a long time, there were prints in the snow clearly left by the pegged feet of a female disassembly drone. They stopped at the gate and didn't pass beyond it, but there was no sign of anyone still here... The sign above the gate was lit by a dim lamp that somehow continued shining as a beacon in the dark after all these years without a visitor.

    "Copper Carrie's Mine-venture"

    Those words hung above the gate calling to all who came near. There wasn't a single sign of life here however. Not even the usual skeletons that littered the streets could be seen, and the reason would soon be revealed if Cloris checked a sign posted next to the gate.

    "Hey folks! Copper Carrie's going to be taking a vacation while we work to make the Mine as great as it can possibly be! Expect many new and amazing attractions when we open back up!"

    A promise of new things that would never have a chance to be fulfilled. Though on the bright side, at least this meant fewer skeletons there to gnaw away at one's psyche. Once the gate was pulled open it would creak loudly, the steel echoing out into the park ahead as years of built up ice and rust were shaken loose from the barrier that barred entry. Stepping through the gate would lead one down a small path into a building ahead. A gift shop and visitor center that served as the main entrance to the park. Inside the shop were racks and shelves that had been turned over and emptied long ago. Only a few knick-knacks, t-shirts, and plushies remained inside. Scanning further into the gift shop one would find a ticket counter that met with a set of turnstiles which blocked the open doorway into the park proper.

    Shockingly however, approaching the counter would reveal that this park wasn't as dead as they might have first assumed. The translucent blue phantom of a woman in miner's clothes appeared in front of Cloris and Klein, smiling brightly as if nothing was wrong.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  SuWGgZv

    "Well howdy there folks! I am just so glad you came to visit us today! As I'm sure you're well aware, I'm Copper Carrie, the owner of this here mine! But if you didn't know that then just ask these friendly folks behind the counter here and they'll be delighted to tell you all about my park! I just KNOW you and me are gonna have a blast today! And you'll get to meet all my other friends too! There's Silver Sally, and good ol' Miner bot! Then there's everybody's hero, the ever loyal, always straight shooting...Stella of the starry skies! Oh but don't just take my word for it! If you wanna meet them then you'll just have to come along with me! So go ahead, grab a wrist band from one of these fine folks here, ask any questions ya might have, and then follow me through this gate over here!"

    Closer inspection revealed that this "phantom" was being emitted by a holographic floor projector. Still, from the way she continued to silently stare at the pair, one could almost get the sense that she wasn't just a simple projection playing on a loop...The turnstile wouldn't be particularly difficult to simply climb over, however if Cloris chose to follow along with "Copper Carie"'s instructions...Grabbing a wrist band would cause a loud click to ring out from the direction of the turnstiles...

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  TowersignatureBorderSmaller
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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:44 am

    Cloris blinked as 99 put her relationship with Klien as bluntly as possible- She sighed, reaching uo and rubbing her hair.

    ”I suppose that's one way ro put it. Only without actually being in a long them relationship with Ray. It was strictly business.”

    "Mama is super smart! She likes whips!"

    Cloris had never felt so embarrassed in her life. Klien had just casually mentioned her liking whips in front of 99. She closed her eyes,Her face turning red in real time.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  14W4L9P

    ”That’s what I have concluded too. But there are some things where I cannot determine where he got the context from. Apparently he called a Russian worker drone “lil babushka”. I don’t know where he got that, or where he got the idea I like whips from...”

    There was a reason Cloris was keeping her eyes closed (besides the overwhelming embarrassment. She did not want 99 to read her eyes right now. A drone like her would probably be able to tell if she was lying based on that alone. Cloris didn’t have the strongest of poker faces when it came to stuff like this.

    She opened her eyes as she asked what a prom was. Her face was still a little red even as she was asked that. But she was a little more composed as she answered this question.

    ”It’s a social event that high schoolers take part in. They invite their significant others to it, where they dance and hang out. Among other things. I was surprised to learn that the drones are holding one.”

    Surprised was putting it mildly. When 99 asked if she was interested in going, Cloris rubbed the back of her neck.

    ”I have no interest going to that sort of thing alone. I would just probably hung out in the corner most of the time.”

    Cloris felt her heart skip a beat when 99 smiled. It was very reminiscent of the one she gave her in her dream. Pushing that down, she smiled back at the drone.

    ”Don’t ever stop calling me Cloris. I’ll see you down on the surface 99.”

    Cloris chuckled, looking at Klein in amusement before heading off.

    ”Sorry Klein, but we won’t be using the roamer today.”

    Cloris being Cloris surveyed her surroundings carefully. She indeed wandered why there was a distinct lack of corpses around. But as she peered at the sign, the answer became clear.

    ”Thank god for small mercies. At least my memories won’t be associated with dead amusement park guests.”

    Or at least the memories of who she used to be wouldn’t be tarnished. Honestly it was getting harder to associate her memories with who she was now. Returning to Cooper 9 after all these years put her into a flux of sorts.

    Cloris made her way into the park, taking in all the sights around her. It was an eerie sight to say the least. Her green displayed showed the ruins of what was once a great park. It was like she had put on a slide over her eyes after looking at the original park

    Yet surprisingly, not everything was as desolate as it would seem. Cloris extended her arm by instinct, startled as the hologram popped into existence. She stared at it in shock, not expecting anything to be active.

    ”I didn’t think there would be a power source left to allow things to function. It’s amazing that it’s lasted for this long.

    Cloris could have just ignored Carrie and make her way into the park. Instead she followed her instructions, taking a wrist band, intending on going into the park. She put on the wristband, only to pause after she did so. She looked down at her wrist, her expression unreadable behind her helmet.

    After that pause. she went through one of the turnstiles.  When she got throigh, she looked around. Then made her way to tbe closed ticket booth. She opened the door and entered the small room, closing the door behind her and protecting herself from the elements.

    Cloris lifted her helmet just enough so that a bit of her neck was exposed. The scientist was careful not to dislodge Klein from her shoulder as she did this. She took off the wristband. pressed the wristband against her neck, and closed her eyes.

    ”So that’s what it felt like. It’s been so long I had forgotten.”

    Yes, that’s what it felt like! To wear a silly piece of plastic to give one access around the park. Unfortunately she could not stay there forever. She put her helmet back on and pocketed the wristband, then opened the door and walked deeper into the park.

    Cloris made her way across the park. She stopped she came across the ruins of a roller coaster. She looked up at the once grand structure. Now it was just a bunch of twisted piles of metal with some segments of track still intact. The sign read “Copper-9 Mine Train”

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  IMG-0587

    Cloris didn’t have memories of going on this ride: she had been too young to go on it alone when she last came to the park. Cloris felt a tinge of sadness at that: she’d never be able to experience that ride.

    [I]”The sounds of children laughing filled the air. The intoxicating aromas of overpriced food beckoned to all who were hungry. And the voice of a green haired girl pointing at the roller coaster rang out.

    ”I want to ride that one!”

    Cloris often heard people talking about doing cool things. The Mine Train wasn’t any where in the same league as rides like The Cave in or The Driller, but it would be a good thing to talk about at the respectful age of 8.

    “Not until you’re 5’1 dear.”

    Cloris pouted, stamping her foot. ”But Moooom, I want to ride something cool! You keep telling me no!”

    ”Now now, don’t be too harsh on your mother. If it were up to me we wouldn’t be here at all.”

    Cloris huffed at the smile on her fathers face, crossing her arms and looking away. Cloris’s mother let out a little giggle.

    ”Your father  can be mean sometimes.”

    ”And yet here I am paying for this adventure.” He said in jest. He didn’t seem that bothered by it. Maybe it had something to do with his smiling wife.

    “And I appreciate that Charlie, I really do. I know how you feel about how safe these rides are.”

    She looked down as Cloris tugged on her shirt a couple of times.

    ”Moooooom. I wanna ride something. Come on, let’s go!”

    Her mom smiled at her daughter.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  ZVpVagZ

    ”Alright, we’ve kept you waiting long enough. Let’s find you a ride you can go on.”

    ”Fiiiiiiine! But one day I’m riding that coaster!”

    Cloris stared at the ruins of the once great ride, letting out a sigh.

    ”There are promises you can’t keep. I didn’t think this would be one of them.”

    Cloris reached up and pet Klein a couple of times, then went deeper into the part. She figured she’d start with the town center, and work her way out from there. When she got there, what she discovered was surprising: the park was more alive then she thought it was.

    Last edited by Nothost on Tue Aug 20, 2024 5:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:56 pm

    99 nodded when Cloris stated that it was strictly a business relationship, despite them both being Klein's "parents", Ray and Cloris didn't have anything special between them.

    "I see. That sounds complicated, though your child doesn't seem bothered by it."

    There was an odd tone to Type-99's voice when she heard about them not being in an active relationship of any kind. It was...Not quite happiness, but it wasn't anything approaching displeased, either. 99 noted down the odd expression Cloris seemed to have after Klein mentioned the whips. She would have to ask about that later when they met up...She was at least curious to hear about this "prom" thing...

    "I see. So this is a sort of courtship ritual that humans engage in? I suppose that would be odd for drones to also engage in it, however...After your revelation about those who live on Copper-9, I suppose I'm far less surprised about it now than I would have been before."

    Type-99 frowned a little when Cloris bluntly stated that she had no interest in it.

    "A shame then. If I weren't caught up in an important matter, I would have offered to go with you in lieu of a significant other, if only so you could experience something strictly human."

    The disassembly drone finally shook her head, giving one last statement before the transmission ended.

    "Perhaps they will hold this event another time so that you can enjoy it."

    Meanwhile, in the park...Klein quietly rode along on Cloris's shoulder as she got lost in her memories. He certainly wasn't able to read her mind, but he still silently paid close attention to everything the woman stopped to look at. The way she made a detour solely to feel the plastic wristband against her skin, the way she stared silently up at the mangled steel leviathan that was once a roller coaster...Klein was an observer. The hologram at the information desk had vanished once Cloris stepped through the turnstile, but it could still be spotted appearing in various places as they traveled deeper into the ruins. It blinked away when they got far enough away from it, seemingly tied to a motion trigger hidden somewhere around it.

    Klein cheerfully flapped his wings when Cloris pet him, he was curious about her words here, and chose to record them for later.

    Eventually their exploration led them into the Park's square. A large open area with colorful brick tiles from one end to the other. They had dulled with age, and were further ruined by the snowdrifts, but one got the impression the paving here looked beautiful in its prime. The square was surrounded by decorative buildings evoking an "Old west mining town" feeling, though they also carried hybrid elements more evocative of the "Steam punk" aesthetic. Many of these buildings served both a decorative and utility purpose as they had various food stalls built into them. All of them were sadly shuttered however, reminding those exploring these ruins of what once was.

    However, towards the middle of the square was the most interesting feature of all. A large show stage sat in the northern central segment of this square and in sharp contrast to the shuttered and ruined stalls...This show was still running. The phantoms of actors still playing roles went all around the stage playing a show to an audience that didn't exist.

    In spite of a lack of audience, they did have one visitor currently invested in their show...A single familiar disassembly drone sat on the cold paving stones next to the stage, her legs were crossed casually as she stared up at the holograms. it was so unlike Type-99 to be so deeply enthralled by something like this...But instead of patrolling the area and standing as a silent vigil, she was here, watching this kids show.

    "Look kids! It's the mayor! Well howdy Mayor, what can me and ol' Silver Sally do for ya today?"

    The mayor was a very stereotypical old west type. A portly man with a big bushy moustache and a nice black suit with a tophat to match. He grumbled, adjusting his hat as he responded to Carrie.

    "I can see yer busy Carrie, but I just wanted to warn you about that no good ornerie Drone Baron! He escaped from the jail again, and he's been roamin' around here looking to get the jump on ya!"

    Carrie snapped her fingers in annoyance as she tapped an idle foot.

    Sally smiled as she looked out at the crowd.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  VjHGIEq

    "That ol' drone baron won't get the drop on us!"

    Carrie nodded in response, but spoke up cheerfully as she addressed the audience.

    "Well don't that beat all! Kids, the Drone Baron's been after the deed to my mine for as long as I can remember! If any of y'all see him, you better shout out "Here comes the drone baron!" can ya do it with me? Give it a try!

    Carrie and Sally counted down from three with their fingers as they looked out at the square where an audience would have once sat. When they hit one, the pair of them both shouted in unison.


    As if right on cue, the hologram of a worker drone sporting a black cloak, a black tophat, and a twirly moustache walked onto stage, he was lurching with his upper back creaked forward, he rubbed his hands together evilly as he stared down Carrie and her friends.

    "You called for me? That's right, I'm BACK! And this time I'm gonna get this mine, by fair means or foul! Not even the mayor can stop me this time!"

    The baron rushed over, grabbing the arm of a worker drone with a pickaxe and pulling her away as he lurched back over to the other side of the stage.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  O30etRD

    The baron took out an antique revolver and pointed it at the drone's head. Carrie raised her hands to her face in shock, looking out towards the non-existent crowd.

    "Oh no! That nasty ol' Drone Baron's taken Minerbot hostage!"

    Drone Baron gave an evil laugh, nudging the minerbot around with the pistol.

    "That's right! I'm takin' this here miner as my prisoner! If you want her back unharmed, then you had better hand over the deed to the mine! Muahahaha!"

    Silver Sally tugged at Carrie's pantleg, trying to get her attention.

    "What're we gonna do Carrie?! We can't let Minerbot get hurt! Not after everything we've been through together! it's like Pa always said! Family and friends've got to stick together no matter what!"

    Carrie put her hands on her hips defiantly as she stared down the Drone Baron.

    "There's only one thing we can do Sally. We've gotta rely on that true blue, always brave, always heroic sheriff of the wild west...The one whose name is noble and pure!"

    The mayor lowered his hat to his chest out of respect of the one Carrie was continuing to describe.

    "Your friend and mine! Stella of the starry skies! And there's only one way to get her attention! C'mon kids, say it with me! "Stella of the Starry skies, we need you!" let's give it a try, what do you say?"

    Once again, everyone but the drone baron raised their fingers and counted down from three. When they reached it, the heroes of this story all yelled out!


    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  NV419Dq

    Right on cue, another drone hologram jumped into view from the opposite end of the stage the drone baron was standing in. Somehow despite this park's age, the speakers above the stage still played music in sync with the show. This drone had a flashy, fancy pistol with constellations printed on it. She spoke up triumphantly.

    "I knew I smelled bad oil...Drone Baron, the game is up! Reach for the sky!"

    The Drone Baron holstered his pistol as he stared Stella down defiantly.

    "Curses! You haven't bested me yet Stella! I'm calling you out for a duel! On the count of three, we draw!"

    Naturally, the underhanded villain only kept minerbot even closer to his side in order to gain an advantage. Stella holstered her revolver and stared him down, her digital eyes scowling at him. As they prepared to draw, each drone with their hands hovering dangerously close to their guns, Carrie called out to the crowd while Sally waved to them.

    "C'mon kids! Cheer for Stella! She's gotta win this one! Just believe in her!"

    After a moment of tense silence...The Drone baron barked out at Stella.


    The pair of them drew their pistols faster than a bolt of lightning, and each one fired off a shot, some special effects at the stage side caused loud pops to ring out in time with the firing of these holographic pistols. Stella's shot rang true and struck a barrel of gunpowder that was positioned behind the baron. The pyrotechnics had somehow survived years of disuse and caused the barrel to ignite brilliantly in a hail of white sparks. The drone baron jumped forward in surprise as his hat flew off.

    "YEOWWW!! I'm done for!!!"

    The drone baron fell to his knees, begging for forgiveness as Minerbot was able to run back to the others. The group cheered as Stella had saved the day once more! The sheriff wasted no time striding across the stage triumphantly as she handcuffed the drone baron. He looked up, his digital eyes glaring at Carrie.

    "Curses!! I would have won if it wasn't for that blasted drone sheriff of yours! Mark my words Copper Carrie, one of these days Stella ain't gonna be around to save you! Then this mine will be MINE!! MARK MY WOOORDSSSS!!"

    He called out in rage as Stella dragged him off the stage. Carrie turned to address the crowd.

    "We did it kids! The mine's safe once again! Thanks for coming by to see our show! Make sure to stay around for another exciting one coming up real soon!"

    After one more song to play the show off, the curtain lowered automatically as the holograms fizzled out. The square was once again dead...But All the same, Type-99 clapped in response to the show she had just witnessed.

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Tue Aug 20, 2024 9:41 pm

    Cloris tilted her head at the strange tone in 99's voice as she addressed her and Ray's working relationship. Was that relief in her voice?

    ”I don't see that being something Klien would be bothered about to begin with. I think he just views us both as his creators, without the rest concerning him.”

    She nodded at 99's assessment of a prom, leaning back in her chair. ”I'm starting to get used to how human the Copper 9 Drones are. Although even a prom still managed to surprise me.”

    Cloris's eyes widened when 99 mentioned she would have gone with her. She scratched her cheek, a faint tinge of pink appearing on ber cheeks.

    ”That’s fully kind of you to offer that. However even if we were open, I’m not sure I would attend just for that reason. Chaos and Ray are seriously dating J and V respectively: I’m not sure it would be appropriate to take you to a prom unless we were actually…”

    Even as she said this, a little thought managed to wriggle its way into your head. ”99 would have looked amazing dressed up.”[/I]

    Banishing that thought to the back of her mind, Cloris gave 99 a wry smile. ”We’ll see where things stand a year from now 99.”

    Cloris couldn’t believe that this holographic stage play was still operational. It was one thing for a few holograms here and there to have power still. But watching Copper Carrie and the gang take on the dastardly Drone Barron was quite another matter entirely. Boy that took her back. But her main focus wasn’t on the show: she already had memories of that. The new memories she was making by staring at 99s entranced face were far more important.

    Cloris watched the drone’s reactions like a hawk. She couldn’t help but smile at how curious the other drone was, how enraptured she was by the performance. Honestly, it reminded her a lot of her first time seeing this. It was a side to the drone Cloris suspected 99 possessed, but seeing it like this was quite another thing. 99 wasn’t as perfectly logical as she made herself out to be. But that was something she loved about her.

    When the performance was over, Cloris clapped alongside 99, walking over to where 99 was. ”I wonder what kind of schemes the Barron would have cooked up if the park were still around. I loved these things as a kid. Maybe a little too much for my mom’s tastes: she was worried I’d go and try and build a laser pistol when I got home.”

    Cloris chuckled, sitting next to the drone. Her expression was unreadable behind her environmental suit, but she was beaming at 99. ”I’m curious: which of the theme park’s mascots is your favorite character?”

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  2pq8T3s

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Thu Aug 22, 2024 1:22 am

    It didn't take long for the disassembly drone to notice that there was a second pair of hands that had joined in on the clapping, because of this Cloris had brought Type-99 out of her trance-like stupor. The drone jolted upright in surprise, something Cloris would be able to notice if she paid attention. After the very brief shock, Type-99 turned to face the human. Her expression defied the fact that the cybernetic woman had managed to sneak up on her as she stared with a stoic face.

    "Oh good, you've arrived just in time Cloris."

    99 seemed...A little surprised when Cloris spoke about the drone baron, and about her memories of coming here as a child. It was a fortunate discovery, but all the same...

    "It's fortunate you had some good memories before your many surgeries, though I think your mother's concern was unfounded. It is very unlikely even a prodigy would be able to construct something that deadly unless they were given free access to military-grade materials."

    In usual fashion, the former war drone took those words much too literally. Though she was forced to change her thoughts to something else when pressed with the question of who she found most interesting in the park's roster of mascots.

    "That is...A very interesting question. Fortunately I've been studying them for a short time before you arrived, so I believe I can give a proper response. This...'Copper Carrie' may be the face of this establishment, but she doesn't draw even a passing interest to me. Far too condescending, she expects me to shout things when she already does so on her own. That's terribly inefficient of a leader. No...If I had to choose one, I suppose it would be...."

    The drone tapped her chin for a moment before responding.

    "Well, that would be the worker drone that wields a pistol. "Stella of the Starry Skies"...I suppose...I have admiration for her. The way she always arrives to save the humans, the way they give her praise and shower her with compliments, the way she carries herself with dignity and poise...It is eye-catching. I wish my actions could be met with so much praise, even if it isn't...Efficient or logical whatsoever."

    Type-99 brought her knees up to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them. She continued to stare at Cloris calmly.

    "I've given you my own thoughts on the subject...However, I think it's only fair you return the favor. Which of these characters do you like the most, Cloris?"

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Thu Aug 22, 2024 10:13 am

    Cloris did not fail to noticed 99 getting startled. She let slip a small smile in response. 99 could be surprisingly cute sometimes.

    ”Did you expect otherwise? I prefer to be very punctual.”

    Cloris paused as she sat next to 99. She reached into a pocket in her suit and took out a wallet.

    ”I have my fair share of fond experiences. This park is one of them. Sometimes I took at this and remember back.”

    Cloris handed 99 a picture. It was one that you took in a photo booth. In it were Cloris and her parents. All of them were smiling (although her father’s was a little more reserved).

    Cloris looked back over at the stage. She leaned forward, staring ahead at the closed curtains.

    ”Her fears weren’t entirely unfounded. I did end up creating a low-voltage taser. I never got to use it though: my mother took it away when she realized what I made.”

    Cloris laughed, shaking her head a couple of times. ”She couldn’t make up her mind if she should be mad that I made a weapon or commend me for making it. In the end she said that it was great that I made something, that I shouldn’t make weapons like that.”

    Cloris looked over at 99. She wouldn’t be able to see the surprise on the human’s face. That was an answer she didn’t expect. She let out a little chuckle

    ”I suppose she does speak in a way most drones would find annoying. Carrie loves to beat around the bush.”

    She didn’t have the heart to tell 99 that this was how most children’s mascots talked. They would definitely come off as condescending for someone who didn’t understand the purpose behind those traits.

    Cloris beamed behind her helmet as 99 revealed her favorite She closed her hand into a fist and pumped it slightly.

    ”I knew it! You can see a lot of yourself in Stella, don’t you?”

    She then listened to the rest of what 99 liked about her. There was quite a bit more to it then Cloris realized. Then again, 99 was a rather complex person. She nodded her head in understanding.

    ”Most scientists don’t exactly hand out praise when their creations do well. They’ll show them off proudly if they do as they expect or above expectations. They”ll sometimes say “good job”. But no matter how much dignity you have, no matter how far you separate yourself from your counterparts, they’ll never say thank you.”

    So Cloris understood why she would want something like that. She  looked at 99 as she asked her who her favorite was. She raised her right arm, forming her hand into a fist.

    ”I tried my hand at making a ray gun when I got home. So you tell me 99.”

    Cloris made a finger gun and made a shooting motion with it. She she lowered it, looking back towards the stage and putting her palms on the ground.

    ”Stella was the most amazing to me. Worker drones weren’t what they are today. So seeing one take up a gun and become a protector was awe inspiring.

    Cloris looked over at 99 again. She knew the other drone couldn’t see her face, and she wanted to express her gratitude towards 99.

    ”I can’t promise you a crowd of adoring fans. But you have my thanks 99. You’ve saved my life, you’re sticking by my side. And you were willing to go to a prom with me just to make me feel more human. You’re amazing 99.”
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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:15 pm

    Type-99 shook her head vehemently in response to Cloris questioning if the drone thought she would be tardy to their meeting. It seems she had a different thought in mind and clarified:

    "Of course not. I'm simply expressing gladness that you were able to arrive without incident."

    99 carefully took hold of the photograph between her mechanical digits. She flipped the photo over and gazed into it with her digital eyes. She frowned slightly when she thought about the passage of time and the terrible consequences it wrought on this little family framed in a little picture.

    "You all seem...Very happy. Even Dr. Chambers is smiling...He never smiles in any of the recorded photographs that have been stored in my database. I can't being to imagine the suffering..."

    The frown faded quickly as the disassembly drone continued to observe the photo. She was quick to move on from her previous statement.

    "Your mother was quite beautiful."

    Type-99 looked up at Cloris for a moment before continuing.

    "Although...If we're speaking strictly subjectively, I find you to be more beautiful. ... What was her name? Your Mother."

    Despite what it sounded like, 99 was speaking with the utmost neutrality. She hadn't actually said that with the intent to flirt with the cybernetic woman. It was an entirely subjective viewpoint, but it was an honest one. For the poor human on the receiving end however, it was likely very shocking to hear the drone say something that forward. Regardless, the disassembly drone quickly moved on to another subject. She smiled in amusement as Cloris admitted that she HAD in fact developed a weapon, and that her mother's fears were completely founded in reality.

    "So...You were something of a prodigy then. You'd provide Dr. Graymind quite the challenge."

    An uncharacteristically human grinned crossed Type-99's face as she spoke about doctors further.

    "I suppose Chambers must have had a heavy burden with a successor like that. Truly fascinating."

    And yet...After that comment the grin faded and was just as quickly replaced by a naturally stoic expression. Type-99 looked at the ground as Cloris spoke about creators and their creations, it gave her a lot to think about.

    "I suppose I should just be glad that I wasn't discarded by humans...Before I met you I thought that tools were not designed to seek praise. That carrying out our purpose is the only thing we should seek. I'm still not sure if that isn't true...But I can't deny my feelings on the matter, either. It's deeply confusing to think and feel in two opposite ways."

    The drone's eyes widened in surprise when Cloris made a gun gesture with her hand and gave 99 a vague rhetorical response.

    "Yours too?! - I mean...I see! So we share the same thoughts in regards to Stella...I aspire to be like that image...Even if it is only just an image and not a reflection of reality. "

    That shocked expression stayed painted on Type-99's features as Cloris complimented her. Thanking her for saving the human's life, and for being amazing. For once the disassembly drone was truly at a loss for words.

    "I...If that is really how you feel...I will accept your gratitude and your praise. I believe I'm not so impressive as a worker drone with a stylish pistol in hand, but I will not deny you."

    Type-99 stood up calmly, and looked down at Cloris. She offered a hand to help Cloris stand more easily.

    "I suppose we should get to business. The matter that I've called you here to begin with is vital to our continued success on Copper-9. I believe it is that critical of a threat."

    Type-99 would give Cloris ample time to take everything in before she continued further. There was going to be a lot to go over in a moment.

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Fri Aug 23, 2024 8:54 am

    Cloris lowered her head as 99 commented on how happy they looked. And everything that must have happened to remove those smiles.

    ”Even when it wasn't directly responsible, the solver took so much from my family.”

    Her mother got no shortage of comments about her beauty. But then 99 claimed she was prettier than her mother. That was a new one for her. She was glad that the helmet was hiding her face right now: she was pretty sure it was redder than A cherry at this point.

    ”Um…Cecilia. Her name was Cecilia…”

    Did 99 even know the consequences of such statements? Or was the drone just a natural at being charming? Regardless, she took the picture back and put it back in her wallet after they were done talking about her mother, carefully putting it away back into her pocket.

    She let out a little chuckle behind her mask at the smile on 99’s face. ”Nepotism didn’t go into my dad’s decision to choose me for the project. My intelligence made me the best suited for it.”

    Then 99 gave her a wide grin. And this time Cloris outright laughed behind her mask. ”I won’t deny that I was a handful in my youth. I was a curious child and I didn’t have any restraint.”

    Cloris listened to 99 talk about how she viewed what she considered tools. Cloris folded her hands together, speaking softly to the drone.

    ”I think you’ve stopped being a tool for awhile now. You shouldn’t view yourself that way.”

    Cloris giggled behind her helmet at 99’s genuine surprised. Seeing the normally stoic drone express herself felt special seeing her like this.

    ”You don’t have to be so formal 99. We’re talking about a favorite character we share.”

    She leaned forward slightly, peer at 99’s visor. One could practically see Cloris smiling behind her helmet.

    ”You saved my life and defeated that old disassembly drone. You’re a real life Stella.”

    Cloris reached out her hand, putting it on 99’s shoulder gently. She leaned in closer.

    ”99, you’re much more impressive then Stella. I wish you could see that for yourself.”

    Cloris took 99’s hand and climbed to her feet. She lowered it to her side after she got up.

    ”My father spent his last moments ensuring the ARK protocol went into effect. The Apocalypse Response Knot. All facilities owned by his division were to be sealed. Any personal that couldn’t have access to a ship were to activate their facility safeguards and hold out for help. And if a facility breach occurred and the solver got in, then they were to purge all data in their facilities.”

    Cloris sighed, her head tilting down slightly. ”They were supposed to hold up until Earth sent supplies. But that didn’t exactly pan out. I doubt any of them are still alive. Their supplies have long since been exhausted.”

    Or if they did, they likely weren’t human anymore. Some bright minds did exist in the other facilities. But time and changes would liklely make them unstable. Cloris kept to herself for now.

    ”Those facilities are something we have to visit. But you were right to focus on this one first. It poses the most immediate threat.”

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:13 pm

    Cloris stated that she was unrestrained and endlessly curious. 99 shook her head at that, quickly clarifying something.

    "Was. Past-tense. I disagree with that assessment."

    Before Cloris could respond to that, Type-99 continued:

    "I still see those traits within you now. You've consistently chosen to split off from the rest of your companions, and you've sought me out even when you didn't know who I was. Unrestrained and Curious are phrases that still describe you."

    The disassembly drone frowned as Cloris stated she was no longer a tool now.

    "No...I'm still a tool for the continued survival of humanity. I have to ensure that much. I can't break free of these chains until my purpose is accomplished."

    Although...That frown was replaced by surprise as Cloris spoke of the drone, and of Stella. A real life version of that hologram that danced on the stage? Stella...Type-99 was only herself. Theta could never be compared to something so majestic as a hero with a gun. This was a cold unfeeling war machine that killed anything that she was pointed at. Nothing like the character in those stories that chose to use her gun for the good of others.

    "I'm afraid I can't grant that wish Cloris. I am simply Type-99."

    The disassembly drone's eyes went hollow as they gave an audible digital blip. Cloris was already far ahead of 99 when it came to discussing things.

    "You mean you were already aware of where we were going? Impressive... Yes, well it seems someone in Dr. Chambers' staff failed to carry out their protocols. One of the abandoned bunkers had data left behind on their servers. Information pointing me to this bunker...A facility producing first generation Disassembly Drones. I'm certain it stopped running long ago, but all the same there are no doubt hundreds below the surface. If what you're saying is true and the humans that manned it are long dead, then I don't think I have to tell you the level of danger this facility poses."

    The drone shook her head as she continued to speak.

    "The very idea of the Absolute Solver taking control over hundreds of weaponized machines...It could quickly turn the tide of this war against us. The one I destroyed was already damaged. These would no doubt be in pristine condition."

    Type-99 frowned, looking at the ground beneath their feet.

    "Unfortunately, as I'm sure you've already guessed...This facility's anti-drone measures are impossible for me to breach. I certainly tried to bypass them, but the systems put in place were air-tight. I can't be certain Solver would struggle like I have. That's...Why I need your help. Please, help me Cloris Chambers."

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:35 pm

    Cloris had made to respond, but 99 quickly elaborated with her opinion. And the more 99 spoke, the more she couldn’t deny it. Cloris let out a low laugh, shaking her head. ”I doubt that my curiosity will ever be sated. But I honestly thought I lost my unrestrained side a long time ago. I planned on splitting off from the group eventually, but you were never a part of my calculations.”

    Cloris looked at 99, a warmth entering her voice. ”You brought that side out again 99. I don’t know why it took you pointing it out for me to see the obvious.”

    Cloris sighed as 99 called herself a tool again. She put her hands on 99’s shoulders. ”No you aren’t 99. Not anymore. You’re helping humanity because you love us. That’s what you told me yourself. You want to help us 99. That’s not something a tool would do.”

    Cloris withdrew her hands, leaning back a little. She stared at the drone for a few seconds. ”Then I’ll have to make you see how special you are 99. I’m not the type to sit back and let things happen. If I want my wishes to come true, then I’m going to have to make them happen.” No matter how long it will take, I will make you see.”

    Cloris paused, looking back towards the stage as 99 informed her about the facility. ”My father gave me all the information he could at the end. Some of his research I wish I hadn’t seen.”

    Cloris paused, lowering her head slightly. Then she spoke up again.

    ”That aside, It doesn’t surprise me that someone messed up. I only know a handful of my father’s staff that wouldn’t lose their cool in the face of an apocalypse. The only question is discovering which facilities managed to follow the protocols and which ones didn’t.”

    She paused, considering 99s words. She put a hand under her chin. ”The worker drones working in that factory might still be intact. However they lacked the sentience the current Copper 9 drones have. If they’ve been stuck in there for that long, then it’s unlikely they had the chance to evolve and change. But considering that my teammates are currently attending a drone prom, it’s safe to assume that literally anything is possible. So we should be prepared for unknown variables as best we can.”

    She paused, looking over at 99. She put a hand on her shoulder again, staring at the disassembly drone. ”You don’t have to ask me to help you 99. We’ve given everything to each other. I’ll help you with anything you need me to.”

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  2pq8T3s

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:48 pm

    "Perhaps your unrestrained side has matured like you have. But I can assure you I still see it in the way you operate. Accepting my help is only another piece of how your decisions are unrestrained by expectations."

    Type-99 was caught completely off-guard by Cloris grabbing hold of her shoulders. But she was even more shocked by the words the human chose. 'You’re helping humanity because you love us.' 'You want to help us 99. That’s not something a tool would do.' Words that struck deep within the drone's core. But the cybernetic woman only continued by heaping on praise as well. That she wouldn't stop until the drone was able to see the way she did...Type-99 looked away from Cloris as blush lines appeared on her eyescreen that betrayed her usual stoicism.

    "I-I see...Quite the strong argument..."

    The drone cleared her throat -- Well, she mimicked the action at least. The blushlines slowly faded away like color on a crt screen that had been turned off. She focused back on the task at hand. Cloris certainly had some interesting information to share about this facility and what they might see inside. The human was curious about which facilities had failed protocol, leading to Type-99 providing that exact information.

    "Actually, it was one of the outposts you asked me to investigate. The one in which you first saw footage of White Aberrant. It seems in tracking something down, our foe was so laser-focused that it missed vital information...I believe we're quite fortunate in that regard. If it had inspected the servers of this local bunker it would have found everything it needed to know about the factory."

    The disassembly drone's digital eyes blinked and shifted into a serious thinking expression as she considered the fact that this factory had worker drones in it.

    "Worker drones? It's certainly possible that they might be devoid of the sentience required to continue operating the factory without supervision...But what if they have found some to evolve even despite being trapped? This....'Drone Prom'...It's within a bunker as well, yes?"

    99 would give a nod of affirmation on Cloris stating they should be ready for anything.

    "I believe it would be wise to operate as if they have gained a heightened level of sentience and plan accordingly. I despise going into a new front with no information on hand, but...We have no choice. Time is of the essence. We MUST either destroy or disable this factory. I personally advise destruction...But if you really wish to save the assets within for later, at least ensure you have a plan for doing so in a safe and guaranteed way."

    A slow nod came from the drone's head as Cloris assured her that there was nothing wrong with asking for help.

    "Right...Please, lead the way then. I'm ready to begin our operation."

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:08 pm

    Cloris chuckled, turning her head and looking at the drone. ”I can’t really deny that. When something, or in your case someone, gets my interest, I zone in on it, or them.”

    And that same curiosity led to Cloris leaning forward to try and catch a look at 99’s visor when she looked away. It was hard to tell from her angle, but she thought she saw a blush on the drone’s visor. She simply noted it for now, leaning back and deciding not to press 99 too hard.

    Cloris paused, nodding her head as 99 explained things. ”It’s a good thing that I had too foresight to ask you. Otherwise me and the others would be playing catch up constantly.”

    Cloris paused again, then let out a little laugh. ”Like I said, anything is possible. I doubt they would have changed like that, but we have to be prepared for that possibility.”

    Cloris paused, holding her chin in thought. ”I’ll have to do an assessment of the inventory and the condition of the facility and drones. Ideally I would like to cut down on the amount there significantly and make slight upgrades to the remaining ones. If it’s beyond If I have to destroy the whole factory then so be it. But if all goes well I can get rid of 90 to 95 percent of all disassembly drones in that facility and have a few good quality drones.”

    Cloris then nodded, walking over to 99. ”It would be a lot faster if you flew me there.”

    Cloris would give directions on how to get there. In no time at all, both of them found themselves the factory.

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Raymu Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:04 am

    99 gave the woman a calm nod in response.

    "That you sought me out means our chances of success have raised much higher. No more falling behind then."

    Cloris still seemed convinced that sapient drones being down there was something that was strictly impossible. 99 wasn't so sure about that...But she wouldn't press the matter. After all, what they were like wasn't important. What mattered was the mission and nothing else, but that was why Type-99 frowned a little when Cloris decided that salvaging some of them would be part of her plans. Only saving a few of them complicated things...But 99 gave her a salute.

    "I will watch my weaponry when we descend, then."

    Cloris suggested they fly there, considering it would be far faster. The disassembly drone wasted no time grabbing Cloris securely and taking off at high speed. in no time at all they had arrived there, though 99 didn't need directions as she had already been here once before. The drone landed down at the entrance and carefully set the cybernetic woman down.

    "This is it. The door wouldn't respond to my attempts to coerce it open. Worse...When I tried it gave me a very unfortunate zap. It knocked me offline for 30 minutes while I was rebooting. I'm just fortunate a low-grade emp was all they seemed to block this door with."

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Wed Aug 28, 2024 2:37 pm

    Cloris nodded her head in return. ”Yes, no more falling behind.”

    With 99 now knowing how Cloris wanted to handle things, they were now on the same page. Cloris thought about telling 99 not to salute her again, but she realized that it was probably a habit that wasn’t going to die for awhile, if at all. She still had a tendency to run her hand through her hair when she was a little embarrassed or uncomfortable, even though she couldn’t feel with her hands anymore.

    Cloris looked over at 99 as she told her she was out for 30 minutes. Behind her helmet she frowned.

    ”You need to be especially careful around JC Jenson facilities. The most extreme of their security are countermeasures to drones and people with cybernetic enhancements. I need to take caution too.”

    Cloris walked a little closer, turning to the left and looking down at a few glowing, rectangular things with glowing white lights.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  IMG-0673

    ”You know, that paint trick you did reminds me of the creative anti-drone measures my father used. These lights right here let off a little heat signature. So they hide the heat signature that he really wanted to hide. Let’s move these here… Aha!”

    Cloris picked up each of them one by one and moved them to the side. It revealed a panel in the floor. Cloris opened it up and took out a screwdriver.

    “My father hated using things that were hackable when it came to his security systems. He left this factory automated and only had trusted employees come by every once and awhile. Lets see here… the red wire is this one right here…”

    She started moving around and connecting the wires to sockets above some switches. She had to unscrew and rescrew each of the 7 main wires that there visible. She answered the question that was likely on 99’s mind.

    ”My father told me the positions of the wires in the files he gave me. Otherwise this would have been impossible for me. Okay, all set! Let’s switch them on.”

    Cloris flicked each of the switches. The door light turned green and slowly slid open. Cloris got back to her feet, looking over at 99.

    ”There we go! Alright 99, let’s see what we’re dealing with in there.”

    Cloris walked towards the entrance, peering ahead and treading carefully.

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    Post by Raymu Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:07 pm

    A digital eyebrow raised on Type-99's visor with an audible blip following it. She found it odd when Cloris spoke of their security measures. The drone element was something she was already well aware of, but there was that second classification that brought her attention to the front as she found herself unable to avoid asking a very pertinent question:

    "Cybernetics as well? Did Dr. Chambers anticipate being invaded by enough cybernetic users to warrant the added detail?"

    Cloris then pointed out that measures were taken that were similar to some that 99 herself had used. It didn't take the disassembly drone long at all to piece things together and figure out what he was doing when the human mentioned the paint trick.

    "Then you mean- He's using a simplistic method of masking signatures?"

    Heat signatures specifically. Cloris continued to speak about her father and the steps he took to ensure total security, the things he didn't trust and the way he ran his operation.

    "Dr. Chambers seemed very paranoid...Although I suppose I hesitate to use that word to describe him when his methods clearly paid off in the end. I would never have been able to break through this door on my own."

    The disassembly drone raised a finger when Cloris pointed out the red wire. She was about to ask how the human knew that when she lacked the ability to see specific colors...But Cloris answered it without 99 even uttering a single word. The drone lowered her finger and nodded slowly.

    "Of course. Of course he told you about the wires."

    Thankfully for them, the door opened once Cloris flipped a few switches. As the doors began to slide open, Klein flapped his wings, staring up at it.


    As Cloris walked towards the entrance Type-99 stopped in her tracks for a moment, rubbing her chin as her digital eyes took on a very inquisitive look...She wondered just what Klein meant by that...But eventually shook her head, following along behind Cloris.

    "I'm fully prepared for whatever we might encounter. If need be I can take point."

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:25 pm

    ”Not an invasion specifically. Of course There’s the solver users and Zombie drones. The latter sometimes happened even without solver involved. But there were other threats as well. A worker drone could be reprogrammed by a spy or just plain malfunction. A company disassembly drone could potentially go berserk. That’s the kind of man he was: he thought of every possible threat. Well, almost every threat.”

    All his preparations didn’t prevent the Copper 9 Extinction event. Cloris focused on the task of hand, getting to work on revealing the panel.

    ”That’s correct 99. He became especially paranoid after my mother died. As you can see, it has its advantages.”

    Cloris chuckled, looking back at 99 as the doors started opening.

    ”You thought I was gaslighting you for a moment, didn’t you? No, my vision really is all green.”

    Green and black to be precise. That that was splitting hairs. Cloris reached up and pat Klein gently.

    ”I see you helped yourself to our movie collection. You were busy while we were in the cryopods, weren't you?”

    Cloris nodded at 99, carefully making her way into the factory. She made sure to stay close to the drone. They eventually entered a large room. Cloris watched as the conveyor belt carrying containers.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Factory-2

    ”Okay, we need to find the main computer. It’ll tell us how many assets the factory has accumulated. We’ll… hide!”

    Cloris moved behind a pillar as she saw movement. A worker drone walked into view. It walked along the conveyor belt, surveying the machinery. Cloris peered around the pillar at it.

    ”If only we could tell if it was sentient or not. It should be a normal drone… but what if it isn’t?”

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    Post by Raymu Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:04 pm

    Dr. Chambers had prepared for so many scenarios. Invasion from armies, spies, corporate sabotage, otherworldly sabotage, the solver itself...A multitude of possibilities had been covered. But it seems even he couldn't think of every possible conclusion. 99 frowned as Cloris mentioned "Almost every threat". The disassembly drone finished that thought.

    "Everything except for the planet's core collapsing in on itself."

    Being paranoid had its advantages, and yet...

    "... But clearly it also has disadvantages."

    Cloris' teasing definitely surprised the disassembly drone. She stared in innocent confusion. Though it was a little odd to see Type-99 looking so confused, there were clearly some things even she didn't understand. Although...She didn't look upset in any way. Klein responded to Cloris patting him by letting out a little digital blip sound.

    "Klein learned from pudding man!"

    99's head tilted in curiosity as she listened to the little robot prattle on about someone with a strange name...

    "Who is this...'Pudding man'? I have no records stored of someone with that name or title in your crew."

    Before Cloris could answer and attempt to clarify, Klein answered the question himself.

    "Pudding man is Pudding man!"

    Type-99 stopped dead in her tracks and raised a finger as she was about to object to that descriptor...But then she lowered her finger, deciding it was better not to try and question him any further...

    When they descended into the factory Type-99 had gone into full alert mode. Her right hand had changed to a gun and she was careful to check every corner they passed. The disassembly drone's digital eyes danced around her visor as she observed their surroundings. -- Though it was no more than an instinctual act given that her sight was relayed by the multitude of optics on her head which allowed a far greater range of vision than her visor would ever allow. The drone had gotten so focused that when Cloris told her to hide she managed to dive into cover the very instant the human had said it. She didn't acknowledge the mission verbally, but made note of it in her memory banks.

    She peered around the cover they hid behind, listening as Cloris asked about what kind of drone this was...Was it truly sapient after all? It was almost impossible to tell as the worker drone silently observed the conveyor belt, idly typing something into a tablet device.

    ... Klein had managed to find his way off of Cloris's shoulder in the time they had taken to hide, and he had already walked out from behind cover as he stared up at the worker drone.

    "Hi!! I'm Klein!!!"

    Type-99 flinched and quickly reached out from behind cover, wrapping her hand around the little robot and pulling him back into hiding. His feet squeaked as he was forcefully dragged across the hard floors of the factory.

    The worker drone turned around just as 99 managed to pull Klein away. He lowered his tablet and stared at their hiding place. 99 already had her gun ready to fire if he found them...But eventually the worker drone just shrugged.

    "Oh well, I'm sure there won't be any immediate consequences if I just chalk that voice up to a sudden and inexplicable gust of wind!"

    99 let out a muffled sigh of relief as she watched him turn back around...Then she got an idea...A very devilish idea...She could answer Cloris' question very easily, and all without triggering any alarms that might have been built into the drone in front of them. The disassembly drone's gun hand disappeared into her wrist and was quickly replaced by a grappling hook. She stepped around the corner just enough to take aim...And fired off the hook, her shot hitting its mark and landing directly onto the worker drone's shoulder before it clamped down. The worker drone stopped everything he was doing and stared wordlessly at the hook...And then he was pulled into their hiding spot with a swift and efficient yank of the cable the hook had been secured to!

    Type-99 didn't miss a beat as she covered the worker drone's mouth and held his arms behind his back. She pressed into him hard as she spoke in a whisper.

    "We have questions for you...If you answer honestly and cooperatively I will not hurt you. I'm going to pull my hand away from your mouth now...If you scream for help I will disembowel your entire family in front of you."

    Type-99 wore a particularly threatening smile on her face as she said that last part. She was making it clear to him that she wasn't bluffing.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  TO6I6lA

    To her surprise, the worker drone nodded cooperatively, and unfortunately for her earlier guesses, when she removed her hand from his mouth...

    "I'm not sure I can answer your questions intruder! J.C. Jensen (In spaaaaace!) has a very strict confidentiality policy that doesn't allow this unit to answer any questions that might aid in the following: Corporate Espionage, Government Espionage, Tax Investigations, Foreign Entities, Unions, and all non-profit organized protestors!"

    Type-99 frowned in annoyance. This guy clearly wasn't even approaching true sapience.

    "I suppose your intuition was correct Cloris."

    "Can we get pudding now?"


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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:25 am

    Right. The planet core collapsing. Cloris paused, her head tilting down slightly.

    ”The biggest mistake my father made was underestimating the solvers capabilities. Or rather, he believed he had managed to figure out everything the solver could do. But even though he designed a path, he only scratched the surface. All his paranoia didn't help him in the end.”

    Cloris looked at Klein. He was acting rather strangely. Granted he wasn't supposed to act a certain way, but this was something else. She let out a sigh.

    ”That’s because it isn't an official title. It's what Klein calls Chaos, because he fed Klein pudding. Of course me and Ray didn't design a digestive system for him. When I got back to the ship, I saw pudding stains all over the place.”

    She hadn't made a big deal out of the mess. Mainly because it hadn’t even registered compared to some of the other damage done to the ship. But it had been rather vexing.

    Also vexing: Klein going out to greet the assembly drone. She couldn't rush after him without revealing her position. Fortunately 99 was quick enough to drag Klein back into hiding. And amazingly, the drone didn’t investigate the source of the sound.

    Then 99 quickly and efficiently restrained the worker drone. While what she whispered to the drone wouldn't be the thing she wanted to hear, the image was very appealing to Cloris.

    But I wouldn't be able to feel her grabbing me.

    Her mind drifted back to the first time they met face to face. How 99 had suggested she could put feeling back into her limbs.

    "Perhaps you could study how I'm constructed and copy that information for your own limbs. You don't have to live as half a human. I know you have the aspiration and knowledge to change it."

    Cloris had never entertained on getting any feeling back until she accomplished her task. Yet 99 showed care for how her mental state was being affected. She wanted her feelings, her normal eyesight back more than she could put into words. But this was the first time she was being tested in a big way.

    ”Stop it Cloris. You mustn't falter to that temptation. You need to stay strong.

    She cleared her throat, walking over to 99 and her captive. ”I'm glad we won that coin toss: if he was sentient then we'd have an awkward situation on our hands.”

    Ignoring Klien for The moment, she leaned close and addressed the worker drone.

    ”You'll have to excuse my friend: JC Jenson sent us to inspect the factory. We got a report that there might be a rogue drone malfunctioning, so we can't be too careful.”

    If it wasn't sentient, then maybe she could brush off this situation. If she could get it to cooperate, they wouldn't have to worry about the worker drones considering them to be intruders.

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    Post by Raymu Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:58 am

    Cloris was glad to have been right, but Type-99 seemed indifferent to it.

    "It would hardly be the first time I've ever had to threaten a non-combatant."

    The worker drone glanced back at 99 for a moment with a completely neutral expression. His attention was brought to Cloris as the human tried communicating with him. He had a smile on his face as she addressed him so casually. It seemed like he might cooperate with her, and even buy her cover story, but...

    "I'm really sorry, I can't say yes to that. I mean I literally physically cannot say yes!"

    Type-99 got frustrated and let out a low growl. She smacked the worker drone on the back of his head with the back of her hand, causing him to recoil a bit. After that hit he clarified further.

    "-- That is to say, I can't say yes to that without proper identification! The situation you're describing is very serious! But if that's true then telling you anything about it would be a breach of company guidelines!"

    Type-99 was just about at her limit with this guy. She showed her teeth in a frown as she glared down at him. One of her hands changed to a gun and she pressed it into the back of his head.

    "Maybe you're the malfunctioning drone we were sent to deal with. Maybe I pull the trigger and put you down, how about that?"

    The worker drone was silent for a moment as he looked at Cloris...And then he spoke up.

    "Well! That would be ironic wouldn't it? The last person I would guess would be malfunctioning would be me! Ahh but I have to warn you! All facility drones are tied to an alarm system. If you destroyed me the entire factory would enter lock down. That would be VERY unfortunate! If you plan to put me through the disassembly line then you'll have to clear it all up with the facility manager first!"

    The disassembly drone frowned and retracted her gun hand, returning it to a normal one. She looked up at Cloris, waiting for the human to decide what she wanted to do now.

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    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  Empty Re: Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.

    Post by Nothost Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:16 pm

    Cloris paused for a moment. There was still a lot she didn't know about 99's past. She assumed 99 meant she threatened sentient drones, but did that also include humans? Not that Cloris was worried about her safety around 99. But it did bother her that there was still Things she didn't know about her.

    ”I'm sure it isn't. But it would have caused quite a few problems in this situation.”

    She didn't fail to see how angry 99 was. She frowned behind her helmet. What was going on? They had just confirmed that this guy wasn't sentient. She had perfectly subdued him. Why was she so angry? Cloris raised a hand.

    ”Easy 99. I think he's willing to talk.”

    She lowered her hand, reaching into a pocket in ber suit. She took out a wallet, taking out a card and handing it out for the drone to take. It would look like an official JC Jenson identification.

    ”Cloris Jade, IT officer.

    Of course she didn't official work for JC Jenson. She had gone out of her way to avoid being involved with them. They would have asked her so many questions about the incident on Copper 9. But her father had worked for them. And it wasn't too hard to fake an I.D.

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    Post by Raymu Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:28 am

    Type-99 sighed, giving Cloris a slow nod as she told the disassembly drone to ease up. As for the worker drone...He took the ID off of Cloris, inspecting it as his digital eyes danced across the visor. He was only silent for a moment before he looked up at the human, that same unchanging smile plastered on his face. It was almost unnerving after being around sentient worker drones...

    "Well [Cloris Jade]! This ID seems to check out to me! Let's just see if I can't get you that information huh?"

    The worker drone began emitting a series of noisy clicks and beeps as he sat there unblinking, still staring at her. It took a few minutes but eventually the sound subsided, ending with a buzzer sound.

    "Aw, sorry bud! Looks like I still can't really tell you anything! Additional security measures are in place for this facility. All questions pertaining to investigations are to be directed to the factory overseer!"

    Type-99 released the drone, looking over at Cloris.

    "Looks like we have a lead then. Chances are that mainframe of ours is where ever this overseer worked. You, worker. Tell us where the overseer operated the facility from."

    The worker drone rubbed his wrists, turning to look at Type-99.

    "Oh you wanna visit the overseer? That's easy! He's in his office right now!"

    The disassembly drone's digital eyes hollowed as she looked up at Cloris. Those digital orbs narrowed into a look of uneasy suspicion...Type-99 didn't say a word, but the human could likely tell what was shocking her so much. While the implications of his words sank in deeper he continued to speak.

    "Yep, if you want the overseer's office, just head down this catwalk here and take a left! Keep going until you see a sign pointing you in the direction of the factory offices. You'll go through the office section all the way to the back, his office is behind a set of wooden double doors, you can't miss it! But be sure to submit a visitation request with the security, us worker drones aren't allowed into the offices at all because they've got some very strict anti-espionage measures!"

    The war drone stood up, drawing her hand into a gun as she held it up with her other hand.

    "We should proceed with extreme caution, even more than we've already been employing. I have a very terrible feeling about all of this."

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    Post by Nothost Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:57 pm

    The fake I.D. seemed to do the trick. The employee database wasn’t exactly up to date on Copper 9. Unfortunately, the drone still couldn’t give her information without authorization from the overseer. Who was most certainly dead.

    I was afraid of this. Now we have no choice but to hack our way in. I doubt the overseer has survived for all this time.”

    Her eyes widened behind her helmet as she realized something. ”But if there was no one calling the shots, the drones wouldn’t be continuing their normal tasks like this. Someone or something has taken the role of overseer.”

    99 seemed to realize something was up as well. Cloris put Klein back on her shoulders, looking over at 99 and nodding. ”Something has taken the role of overseer. As much as I don’t like to just walk into something, we need to know what we’re dealing with.”

    She then followed the drones instruction, walking down the catwalk and then turned left. She made sure to stick next to 99 as they made their way to the Overseer’s office.

    Murder Drones: Out with the Old, in with the new Disassemly.  2pq8T3s

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